Meeting #:
The meeting will be conducted via a video conference
Members of the public may view the livestream at the following link:
  • Dave Barton, Vice Chair
  • Kevin Ashe
  • Navjit Kaur Brar
  • Vincent Crisanti
  • Stephen Dasko
  • Joanne Dies
  • Paula Fletcher
  • Chris Fonseca
  • Laura Isidean
  • Linda Jackson
  • Hugo Kroon
  • Joe Li
  • Joseph Ogilvie
  • Steve Pellegrini
  • Anthony Perruzza
  • Mario Russo
  • Rowena Santos
  • Connie Tang
  • Paul Ainslie, Chair
  • Parthi Kandavel
  • Jennifer McKelvie
  • Amber Morley
  • Jamaal Myers
  • Gord Perks
  • Dianne Saxe
  • Anub Simson
  • Barry Warner
  • David West

Board of Directors Meeting #7/24 was held via videoconference, on September 27, 2024. The Vice-Chair, Dave Barton, called the meeting to order at 9:36 a.m.

The Vice-Chair recited the Acknowledgement of Indigenous Territory.

Darryl Gray, Director, Education and Training mentioned that in honour of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, TRCA is hosting events in partnership with Indigenous partners and others to reflect, listen and learn about the history of the residential school system, colonialism, and systemic injustices facing Indigenous peoples in Canada.

Sunday, September 29 – Reconciliation Walk & Indigenous Art Trail at The Village at Black Creek

Join us at The Village at Black Creek, in partnership with True North Aid, for a day of reflection and learning to honour the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation from 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Discover the impact of the Residential School system on over 150,000 First Nations, Inuit, and Métis children. Follow a self-guided Reconciliation Walk, explore art by local and Indigenous artists, and engage in reflection and activities. Take time in quiet spaces to consider how you can support the 94 Calls to Action. You will note that the signage has been updated to reflect the new rebranding to The Village at Black Creek as approved by the Board of Directors on April 28, 2023.

Monday, September 30 – 2024 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation at Heart Lake Conservation Park

In partnership with the Four Colours Drum Circle, we will commemorate the children of residential schools and offer prayers of healing for all affected families. This event includes activities for children and a chance to participate in a round dance—a slow, circular dance accompanied by rhythmic drumming, which holds special significance in First Nations culture. The round dance is an open ceremony meant to bring people together for healing and remembrance. Join us for this meaningful experience with the Four Colours Drum Circle, which takes place from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Darryl Gray encouraged everyone to attend and to wear an orange shirt as a symbol of education and remembrance on this important day.

  • RES.#A111/24
    Moved By:Linda Jackson
    Seconded By:Joe Li

    THAT the Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting #6/24, held on Friday June 21, 2024, be approved.




  • RES.#A112/24
    Moved By:Steve Pellegrini
    Seconded By:Joanne Dies

    WHEREAS Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) is engaged in a project that requires professional engineering consulting services;

    WHEREAS TRCA has entered into an agreement with the City of Toronto to manage Keating Channel dredging operations and with Ports Toronto to undertake backlog dredging work until 2026;

    WHEREAS the Keating Channel dockwalls owned by Create TO may be impacted by dredging operations and require engineering consulting services to determine risk of failure;

    AND WHEREAS TRCA solicited proposals through a publicly advertised process and evaluated the proposals based on the pre-established criteria;

    THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT RFP No. 10041335 for Keating Channel Dockwall Inspection and Structural Investigation Study be awarded to CIMA Canada Inc. at a total cost not to exceed $756,714, plus applicable taxes, to be expended as authorized by TRCA staff;

    THAT TRCA staff be authorized to approve additional expenditures to a maximum of $75,671 (approximately 10% of the project cost), plus applicable taxes, in excess of the contract cost as a contingency allowance if deemed necessary;

    THAT should TRCA staff be unable to negotiate a contract with the above-mentioned proponent, staff be authorized to enter into and conclude contract negotiations with other Proponents that submitted proposals, beginning with the next highest ranked Proponent meeting TRCA specifications;

    AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA officials be directed to take whatever action may be required to implement the contract, including the obtaining of necessary approvals and the signing and execution of any documents.

  • RES.#A113/24
    Moved By:Mario Russo
    Seconded By:Hugo Kroon

    IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT the information on procurements approved under delegated authority over the summer recess in 2024, be received.

  • IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT the Flood Risk Management Summary of the July 16, August 17, and August 18, 2024, Severe Weather Events report be received for information;

    AND THAT TRCA Engineering Services staff meet with City of Mississauga, City of Toronto, and Region of Peel Emergency Management Offices to review the July 16, August 17, and 18, 2024, storm event responses and to adjust emergency management plans as appropriate;

    AND THAT TRCA Engineering Services staff review the TRCA Hydrometrics program to identify potential improvements;

    AND THAT TRCA Engineering Services staff review Flood Messaging opportunities, in collaboration with Credit Valley Conservation, including the consideration of cell phone technologies to increase accessibility;

    AND THAT TRCA Engineering Services pursue Federal and Provincial funding opportunities to support municipal partners and advance infrastructure improvements to reduce flood impacts, or to further advance the integration of weather forecasting with flood modelling to increase flood predictability across TRCA’s jurisdiction;

    AND THAT TRCA retain the services of a consultant to undertake a post-storm event analysis report; 

    AND THAT TRCA Engineering Services staff report back in 2025 on the efforts undertaken following the 2024 storm events.


    Moved By:Stephen Dasko
    Seconded By:Chris Fonseca

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT the recommendation be amended to include the follow two clauses:

    THAT staff, in consultation with municipal and agency partners, be directed to report back at the next available meeting on available options and associated funding estimates for enhanced and updated weather alert notification applications and communication strategies;

    AND THAT staff be directed to report back at the next available meeting with a report on what actions can be taken in the immediate term, short term and long term for Flood Vulnerable Areas impacted by the July 16, August 17, and August 18, 2024 storm events.


    Moved By:Stephen Dasko
    Seconded By:Chris Fonseca

    IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT the Flood Risk Management Summary of the July 16, August 17, and August 18, 2024, Severe Weather Events report be received for information;

    AND THAT TRCA Engineering Services staff meet with City of Mississauga, City of Toronto, and Region of Peel Emergency Management Offices to review the July 16, August 17, and 18, 2024, storm event responses and to adjust emergency management plans as appropriate;

    AND THAT TRCA Engineering Services staff review the TRCA Hydrometrics program to identify potential improvements;

    AND THAT TRCA Engineering Services staff review Flood Messaging opportunities, in collaboration with Credit Valley Conservation, including the consideration of cell phone technologies to increase accessibility;

    AND THAT TRCA Engineering Services pursue Federal and Provincial funding opportunities to support municipal partners and advance infrastructure improvements to reduce flood impacts, or to further advance the integration of weather forecasting with flood modelling to increase flood predictability across TRCA’s jurisdiction;

    AND THAT TRCA retain the services of a consultant to undertake a post-storm event analysis report; 

    AND THAT TRCA Engineering Services staff report back in 2025 on the efforts undertaken following the 2024 storm events; 

    AND THAT staff, in consultation with municipal and agency partners, be directed to report back at the next available meeting on available options and associated funding estimates for enhanced and updated weather alert notification applications and communication strategies;

    AND THAT staff be directed to report back at the next available meeting with a report on what actions can be taken in the immediate term, short term and long term for Flood Vulnerable Areas impacted by the July 16, August 17, and August 18, 2024 storm events.

  • RES.#A117/24
    Moved By:Steve Pellegrini
    Seconded By:Paula Fletcher

    THAT pursuant to a lease agreement for agricultural use, Gillian Evans is the current tenant of the lands located on a portion of the OHT owned lands (hereinafter the “Land”);

    AND FURTHER THAT TRCA is in receipt of a request from Gillian Evans for a new lease agreement for agricultural use of certain OHT lands currently managed by TRCA, located north of Major Mackenzie Drive, and west of Pine Valley Drive, in the City of Vaughan, Regional Municipality of York, Humber River watershed;

    THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT TRCA enter into a new agricultural lease with Gillian Evans for the use of 55.59 hectares (137.37 acres), more or less, said land being Part of Lots 21 to 23, Concession 7, City of Vaughan, Regional Municipality of York;

    THAT the lease with Gillian Evans be subject to the following terms and conditions:

    • that the term of the lease be for one year, together with an annual renewal option for the next three years at the sole option of TRCA;
    • that consideration for 2024 be $12,462.36 per annum, plus HST, with an annual increase of $2,714.38, plus HST, for the additional three years, and as per the 2022 farmland appraisal;
    • that the tenant be responsible for all approvals required for construction and operation of the agricultural operation;
    • that the tenant be responsible for all costs associated with the development and operation of the agricultural operation;
    • that the tenant be solely responsible for all costs associated with the removal of any fixtures/infrastructure on the lands under lease, at the end of the term, and to the satisfaction of TRCA;
    • that the tenant be required to obtain at her cost, all necessary licenses and permits, and comply will all applicable by-laws, rules, regulations, and laws governing the conduct and operation of the farm operation or anything in connection therewith;
    • that the tenant provide access to TRCA and its partners for restoration efforts including but not limited to erosion control and restoration work for Purpleville Creek and species recovery work; and
    • any other terms and conditions deemed appropriate by the TRCA staff and solicitor;

    AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA staff be directed to take the necessary action to finalize the transaction, including obtaining any necessary approvals and the signing and execution of documents.

  • RES.#A118/24
    Moved By:Steve Pellegrini
    Seconded By:Paula Fletcher

    THAT pursuant to a lease agreement for agricultural use, Gordon Colbourne is the current tenant of the lands located on a portion of the OHT owned lands (hereinafter the “Land”);

    AND FURTHER THAT TRCA is in receipt of a request from Gordon Colbourne to for a new lease agreement for agricultural use of certain OHT lands currently managed by TRCA, located north of Major Mackenzie Drive, and west of Pine Valley Drive, municipally known as 4816 Major Mackenzie Drive, City of Vaughan, Regional Municipality of York, Humber River watershed;

    THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT TRCA enter into a new agricultural lease with Gordon Colbourne for the use of 0.979 hectares (2.42 acres), more or less, said land being Part of Lot 21, Concession 7, municipally known as 4816 Major Mackenzie Drive, City of Vaughan, Regional Municipality of York;

    THAT the lease with Gordon Colbourne be subject to the following terms and conditions:

    • that the term of the lease be for one year, together with an annual renewal option for the next three years at the sole option of TRCA;
    • that consideration be $363.00 per annum, plus HST, as per the 2022 farmland appraisal;
    • that the tenant be responsible for all approvals required for construction and operation of the agricultural operation;
    • that the tenant be responsible for all costs associated with the development and operation of the agricultural operation;
    • that the tenant be solely responsible for all costs associated with the removal of any fixtures/infrastructure on the lands under lease, at the end of the term, and to the satisfaction of TRCA;
    • that the tenant be required to obtain at his cost, all necessary licenses and permits, and comply will all applicable by-laws, rules, regulations, and laws governing the conduct and operation of the farm operation or anything in connection therewith;
    • that the tenant provide access to TRCA and its partners for restoration efforts including but not limited to erosion control and restoration work for Purpleville Creek and species recovery work; and
    • any other terms and conditions deemed appropriate by TRCA staff and solicitor;

    AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA staff be directed to take the necessary action to finalize the transaction, including obtaining any necessary approvals and the signing and execution of documents.

  • RES.#A119/24
    Moved By:Steve Pellegrini
    Seconded By:Paula Fletcher

    THAT TRCA’s Board of Directors is in receipt of a request from the Town of Stouffville to renew the land lease for the operation of a BMX (bicycle motocross) dirt racing course on TRCA land within Bruce’s Mill Conservation Area located east of Warden Avenue and north of 19th Avenue, being Part of Lot 30, Concession 5, Town of Stouffville, Regional Municipality of York, Rouge River watershed;

    AND WHEREAS it is in the opinion of TRCA that it is in the best interest of TRCA to further its objectives as set out in the Bruce’s Mill Conservation Area Master Plan, to enter into a lease agreement with the Town of Stouffville in this instance;

    THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT TRCA renew the land lease with the Town of Stouffville for the use of 1 hectare (2.47 acres), more or less, together with the use of existing road surfaces for access and utilities, said land being Part of Lot 30, Concession 5, municipally known as 3291 Stouffville Road, Town of Stouffville, Regional Municipality of York;

    THAT the lease with the Town of Stouffville be subject to the following terms and conditions:

    • that the term of the lease be for 5 years together with one renewal option for a further 5-year period at the concurrence of TRCA and the Town of Stouffville;
    • that consideration be $3,500 per annum for the first year of the term, increasing to $4,000 per annum for each additional year throughout the term of the lease, plus HST;
    • that the Town of Stouffville is to provide $5 million dollars coverage in commercial general liability insurance;
    • that the Town of Stouffville is to be responsible for all applicable taxes and utilities;
    • that the Town of Stouffville will comply with any applicable laws, directions, rules and regulations;
    • that the Town of Stouffville is to be responsible for all approvals and all costs required for construction and operation of the BMX dirt racing track;
    • that the Town of Stouffville is to be responsible for all costs associated with the removal of any fixtures/infrastructure on the lands under lease, at the end of the term, and to the satisfaction of TRCA; and
    • any other terms and conditions deemed appropriate by the TRCA staff and solicitor;

    AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA staff be directed to take the necessary action to finalize the transaction, including obtaining any necessary approvals and the signing and execution of documents.

  • RES.#A120/24
    Moved By:Steve Pellegrini
    Seconded By:Paula Fletcher

    THAT pursuant to a land lease agreement for passive recreational (trail) use, McMichael Canadian Art Collection is the current tenant of the lands located on TRCA owned and on a portion OHT owned lands currently managed by TRCA (hereinafter the “Land”);

    AND FURTHER THAT TRCA is in receipt of a request from McMichael Canadian Art Collection for a new lease agreement for recreational (trail) use of TRCA and OHT lands currently managed by TRCA, located north of Major Mackenzie Drive, and west of Pine Valley Drive, in the City of Vaughan, Regional Municipality of York, Humber River watershed;

    THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT TRCA enter into a new land lease with McMichael Canadian Art Collection for passive recreational (trail) use of 25.88 hectares (63.96 acres), more or less, said land being Part of Lots 22 to 24, Concession 8, City of Vaughan, Regional Municipality of York, Humber River watershed;

    AND WHEREAS it is in the opinion of TRCA that it is in the best interest of TRCA in furthering its objectives, as set out in Section 20 of the Conservation Authorities Act, to cooperate with McMichael Canadian Art Collection in this instance;

    THAT the lease with McMichael Canadian Art Collection be subject to the following terms and conditions:

    • that the term of the lease be for 20 years;
    • that consideration be $12.00 per annum throughout the term of the lease;
    • that the Tenant is to provide $5 million dollars coverage in commercial general liability insurance;
    • that the Tenant is to be responsible for all applicable taxes and utilities;
    • that the Tenant will comply with any applicable laws, directions, rules and regulations;
    • that the Tenant is to be responsible for all approvals and all costs required for construction and operation of the trail system;
    • that the Tenant is to be responsible for all costs associated with the removal of any fixtures/infrastructure on the lands under lease, at the end of the term, and to the satisfaction of TRCA; and
    • any other terms and conditions deemed appropriate by the TRCA staff and solicitor;

    THAT said lease be subject to the approval of the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks in accordance with Section 21 (1) and Section 21(2) of the Conversation Authorities Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter C.27, as amended;

    AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA staff be directed to take the necessary action to finalize the transaction, including obtaining any necessary approvals and the signing and execution of documents.

  • RES.#A121/24
    Moved By:Steve Pellegrini
    Seconded By:Paula Fletcher

    IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT 0.85 hectares (2.08 acres), more or less, of vacant land, located south of Lawrence Avenue East and east of Morningside Avenue, said land being Part of Lot 6, Concession D, designated as Part 1 on Plan 66R-34077, municipally known as 610 Coronation Drive, in the City of Toronto, be purchased from Sterling Group (Coronation Drive) Limited Partnership;

    THAT the purchase price be $2.00;

    THAT Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) receive conveyance of the land free from encumbrances, except subject to existing service easements;

    THAT the transaction completed at the earliest possible date and all reasonable expenses incurred incidental to the closing for land transfer tax, legal costs, and disbursements are to be paid by TRCA;

    AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA staff be directed to take the necessary action to finalize the transaction, including obtaining any necessary approvals and the signing and execution of documents.

  • RES.#A122/24

    WHEREAS TRCA is in receipt of a request from The Corporation of the City of Pickering (City of Pickering) for the conveyance of TRCA-owned lands located south of Highway 7, and west of Concession Road 6, City of Pickering, Regional Municipality of Durham, required for municipal infrastructure expansion and enhancement of Pickering Museum Village, Duffins Creek watershed;

    AND WHEREAS TRCA has entered into an agreement registered on title between the City of Toronto and TRCA when TRCA acquired the land from the City of Toronto;

    AND WHEREAS this agreement prohibits disposition of the lands with the exception of conveyance to specific parties and for those uses listed in the agreement;

    AND WHEREAS City of Pickering is an approved party and the expansion of Pickering Museum Village had been considered and approved in the agreement, subject to City of Toronto concurrence via execution of a Partial Assignment and Assumption Agreement;

    AND WHEREAS it is in the best interest of TRCA in furthering its objectives as set out in Section 20 of the Conservation Authorities Act to cooperate with City of Pickering in this instance;

    THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT a parcel of TRCA-owned land containing 0.383 hectares (0.946 acres), more or less, of vacant land, to facilitate municipal infrastructure expansion and enhancement for Pickering Museum Village, said land being designated as Part 1 on draft plan prepared by J.D. Barnes Limited under reference number 18-25-500-05 on June 9, 2023, in the City of Pickering, Regional Municipality of Durham, be conveyed to City of Pickering;

    THAT the conveyance of land is contingent upon the City of Toronto execution of a Partial Assignment and Assumption Agreement;

    THAT consideration be the nominal sum of $2.00 and all legal, survey and other costs to be paid by City of Pickering;

    THAT City of Pickering is to fully indemnify TRCA via the Agreement of Purchase and Sale from any and all claims from injuries, damages or costs of any nature resulting in any way, either directly or indirectly, from this conveyance and that the indemnification clause shall survive upon the conveyance of land;

    THAT should an archaeological investigation be required, City of Pickering will proceed with any mitigation measures being carried out to the satisfaction of TRCA staff, at the expense of City of Pickering;

    AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA officials be directed to take the necessary action to finalize the transaction, including obtaining any necessary approvals and the signing and execution of documents.

  • RES.#A123/24
    Moved By:Steve Pellegrini
    Seconded By:Paula Fletcher

    WHEREAS TRCA is in receipt of a request from The Corporation of the City of Pickering (City of Pickering) for the conveyance of TRCA-owned lands located east of Marksbury Road, west of West Shore Boulevard, and north of Lake Ontario, municipally known as 503 Marksbury Road, City of Pickering, Regional Municipality of Durham, required for waterfront trail connectivity, Frenchman's Bay watershed;

    AND WHEREAS TRCA has entered a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) dated August 21, 2021, with City of Pickering outlining the collaborative approach of constructing a future section of the waterfront trail which considered that up to 450 sqm of TRCA-owned lands may be required by City of Pickering to facilitate the future municipal infrastructure, providing waterfront trail connectivity as per the MOU;

    AND WHEREAS it is in the best interest of TRCA in furthering its objectives as set out in Section 20 of the Conservation Authorities Act to cooperate with City of Pickering in this instance;

    THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT a parcel of TRCA-owned land containing 0.02 hectares (0.05 acres), more or less, of vacant land, to facilitate the future municipal infrastructure, providing waterfront trail connectivity, said land being Part 1 on Plan 40R-32455, in the City of Pickering, Regional Municipality of Durham, be conveyed to City of Pickering;

    THAT consideration be the nominal sum of $2.00 and all legal, survey and other costs to be paid by City of Pickering;

    THAT City of Pickering is to fully indemnify TRCA via the Agreement of Purchase and Sale from any and all claims from injuries, damages or costs of any nature resulting in any way, either directly or indirectly, from this conveyance and that the indemnification clause shall survive upon the conveyance of land;

    THAT should an archaeological investigation be required City of Pickering will proceed with any mitigation measures being carried out to the satisfaction of TRCA staff, at the expense of City of Pickering;

    AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA officials be directed to take the necessary action to finalize the transaction, including obtaining any necessary approvals and the signing and execution of documents.

  • RES.#A124/24
    Moved By:Steve Pellegrini
    Seconded By:Paula Fletcher

    IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT the resignation from City of Toronto Councillor Amber Morley from TRCA’s Executive Committee and RWA, be received;

    AND that the Board of Directors appoint TRCA Board Member Mario Russo to RWA to fill the vacancy left by City of Toronto Councillor Amber Morley;

    AND that the appointment of Councillor Rod Power as the Municipal Representative for the City of Brampton, be received;

    AND that the Executive Committee vacancy be addressed through an election at the September 27, 2024 Board of Directors meeting should an appointment of another City of Toronto member to the Executive Committee for the October and November 2024 meetings be requested.

  • RES.#A125/24
    Moved By:Linda Jackson
    Seconded By:Hugo Kroon

    IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT the 2024 Financial Report for the six-month period ending June 30, 2024, be received.

  • RES.#A126/24
    Moved By:Linda Jackson
    Seconded By:Hugo Kroon

    IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT the staff report highlighting the mid-year Grant Program update for 2024, be received.

  • RES.#A127/24
    Moved By:Linda Jackson
    Seconded By:Hugo Kroon

    THAT the Q2 Communications, Marketing and Events Report Summary for April 1 - June 30, 2024, be received.

  • RES.#A128/24
    Moved By:Linda Jackson
    Seconded By:Hugo Kroon

    IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT the report on TRCA’s Risk Management Program, be received.

  • RES.#A129/24
    Moved By:Mario Russo
    Seconded By:Steve Pellegrini

    IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT the staff report summarizing TRCA’s outstanding litigation, be received.

  • RES.#A130/24
    Moved By:Mario Russo
    Seconded By:Steve Pellegrini

    IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT the staff report summarizing TRCA’s insurance and surety programs, be received.

  • RES.#A131/24
    Moved By:Joanne Dies
    Seconded By:Hugo Kroon

    IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT the information regarding the Leslie Street Spit lands be received for information.

  • RES.#A132/24
    Moved By:Joanne Dies
    Seconded By:Hugo Kroon

    THAT the update regarding the Wetland Interference at 1802 Bayly Street, Pickering, be received.


On behalf of the Board of Directors, Vice-Chair Barton recognized TRCA's recent Certificate of Recognition (COR) accomplishment and thanked TRCA staff for their steadfast and continuing commitment to a sustainable and proactive health and safety culture and commitment to the highest standards of health and safety.

John MacKenzie, Chief Executive Officer, congratulated Natalie Blake, Chief Human Resources Officer and the Human Resources Health and Safety Team as well as all other staff involved in this process who have been dedicated to advancing health and safety across all divisions in order to receive the COR certification.

Natalie Blake mentioned that TRCA was recently awarded the distinguished COR certification from Infrastructure Health and Safety Association (IHSA), and achieving COR certification is an in-depth process that requires commitment to the highest standards of health and safety. Specifically, it requires an organization to actively demonstrate a strong health and safety management system that meets and exceeds legislative and national safety standards.

ON MOTION from Paula Fletcher, the meeting was adjourned at 10:54 a.m.