Meeting #:
  • Paul Ainslie, Chair
  • Dave Barton, Vice Chair
  • Vincent Crisanti
  • Stephen Dasko
  • Joanne Dies
  • Paula Fletcher
  • Chris Fonseca
  • Laura Isidean
  • Parthi Kandavel
  • Hugo Kroon
  • Joe Li
  • Nick Mantas
  • Joseph Ogilvie
  • Steve Pellegrini
  • Anthony Perruzza
  • Mario Russo
  • Anub Simson
  • Connie Tang
  • David West
  • Kevin Ashe
  • Navjit Kaur Brar
  • Jon Burnside
  • Linda Jackson
  • Jennifer McKelvie
  • Rowena Santos
  • Dianne Saxe
  • Barry Warner

Board of Directors Meeting #1/25 was held at 101 Exchange Avenue, Vaughan on January 24, 2025. The Chair, Paul Ainslie, called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m.

The Chair recited the Acknowledgement of Indigenous Territory.

Joanne Hyde, Clerk and Manager, Policy, assumed the role of Acting Chair for the purpose of election of officers, in accordance with Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s Board of Directors Administrative By-Law.

The Secretary-Treasurer can advise that all the persons listed below have been duly appointed and are entitled to sit as City of Toronto Members of this Board of Directors for the current year, for a term ending November 14, 2026, or until their successors are appointed.

TORONTO     Councillor Paul Ainslie

                       Councillor Jon Burnside

                       Councillor Vincent Crisanti

                       Councillor Paula Fletcher

                       Councillor Parthi Kandavel

                       Councillor Nick Mantas

                       Deputy Mayor and Councillor Jennifer McKelvie

                       Councillor Anthony Perruzza

                       Councillor Dianne Saxe

On November 13, 2024 and December 17, 2024 the above-listed Members were appointed to TRCA for the following terms of office:

  • City of Toronto Appointees have been appointed for a term ending November 14, 2026, or until their successors are appointed.
  • RES.#A1/25
    Moved By:
    Seconded By:Joanne Dies

    THAT the list of City of Toronto appointments to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s Board of Directors from the Secretary - Treasurer be received.

  • RES.#A2/25
    Moved By:Nick Mantas
    Seconded By:Chris Fonseca

    THAT Ms. Joanne Hyde, Clerk and Manager, Policy, TRCA; Ms. Natalie Blake, Chief Human Resources Officer, TRCA; and Mr. Sameer Dhalla, Director, Development and Engineering Services, TRCA; be appointed as scrutineers for the election of officers of Toronto and Region Conservation Authority's Executive Committee.


Chair Paul Ainslie addressed the Board of Directors.

Vice-Chair Dave Barton addressed the Board of Directors.

With Mayor Dave Barton having been appointed as Vice-Chair, there is one position available on the Executive Committee for the Region of Durham Representative.

Councillor Paula Fletcher nominated Regional Councillor Joanne Dies for the office of Region of Durham Representative on the Executive Committee. Regional Councillor Joanne Dies indicated that she would stand for the office.

Regional Councillor Joanne Dies was declared elected by acclamation as Region of Durham Representative on the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Executive Committee.

Regional Councillor Joanne Dies addressed the Board of Directors.

  • RES.#A3/25
    Moved By:Stephen Dasko
    Seconded By:Mario Russo

    THAT nominations for the office of Region of Durham Representative on the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Executive Committee be closed.


Councillor Chris Fonseca nominated Councillor Stephen Dasko for the office of Region of Peel Representative on the Executive Committee. Councillor Stephen Dasko indicated that they would stand for the office.

Vice-Chair Dave Barton nominated Councillor Chris Fonseca for the office of Region of Peel Representative on the Executive Committee. Councillor Chris Fonseca indicated that they would stand for the office.

Councillor Stephen Dasko and Councillor Fonseca were declared elected by acclamation as Region of Peel Representatives on the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Executive Committee.

Councillor Stephen Dasko addressed the Board of Directors.

Councillor Chris Fonseca addressed the Board of Directors.

  • RES.#A4/25
    Moved By:Stephen Dasko
    Seconded By:Connie Tang

    THAT nominations for the office of Region of Peel Representatives on the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Executive Committee be closed.


Vice-Chair Barton nominated Mayor Steve Pellegrini for the office of Region of York Representative on the Executive Committee. Mayor Steve Pellegrini indicated that they would stand for the office.

Mayor David West nominated Deputy Mayor, Local and Regional Councillor Linda Jackson for the office of Region of York Representative on the Executive Committee. The Clerk confirmed receipt that Deputy Mayor, Local and Regional Councillor Linda Jackson would accept the nomination and stand for the office by way of email correspondence, in accordance with the Administrative By-Law.

Mayor Steve Pellegrini and Deputy Mayor, Local and Regional Councillor Linda Jackson were declared elected by acclamation as Region of York Representatives on the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Executive Committee.

Mayor Steve Pellegrini addressed the Board of Directors.

  • RES.#A5/25
    Moved By:Chris Fonseca
    Seconded By:Laura Isidean

    THAT nominations for the office of Region of York Representatives on the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Executive Committee be closed.  



With Councillor Paul Ainslie having been appointed as Chair, there are five positions available on the Executive Committee for the City of Toronto Representatives.

Councillor Paul Ainslie nominated Councillor Paula Fletcher for the office of City of Toronto Representative on the Executive Committee. Councillor Paula Fletcher indicated that they would stand for the office.

Councillor Paul Ainslie nominated Councillor Anthony Perruzza for the office of City of Toronto Representative on the Executive Committee. Councillor Anthony Perruzza indicated that they would stand for the office.

Councillor Paul Ainslie nominated Councillor Parthi Kandavel for the office of City of Toronto Representative on the Executive Committee. Councillor Parthi Kandavel indicated that they would stand for the office.

Councillor Paul Ainslie nominated Councillor Nick Mantas for the office of City of Toronto Representative on the Executive Committee. Councillor Nick Mantas indicated that they would stand for the office.

Councillor Paul Ainslie nominated Councillor Laura Isidean for the office of City of Toronto Representative on the Executive Committee. Councillor Laura Isidean indicated that they would stand for the office.

Councillor Paula Fletcher, Councillor Anthony Perruzza, Councillor Parthi Kandavel, Councillor Nick Mantas, and Laura Isidean were declared elected by acclamation as City of Toronto Representatives on the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Executive Committee.

Councillor Paula Fletcher addressed the Board of Directors.

Councillor Anthony Perruzza addressed the Board of Directors.

Councillor Parthi Kandavel addressed the Board of Directors.

Councillor Nick Mantas addressed the Board of Directors.

Laura Isidean addressed the Board of Directors.

  • RES.#A6/25
    Moved By:Dave Barton
    Seconded By:Mario Russo

    THAT nominations for the office of City of Toronto Representatives on the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Executive Committee be closed.


John MacKenzie, CEO of TRCA recognized the following Board Members for their service on Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s Board of Directors:


Outgoing Members:

     Deputy Mayor and Councillor Amber Morley, City of Toronto

     Councillor Jamaal Myers, City of Toronto

     Councillor Gord Perks, City of Toronto


Ongoing Members:

Gold Pin, recognizing Six Years of Service:

     Joanne Dies, Durham Region

     Linda Jackson, York Region

     Steve Pellegrini, York Region

     Rowena Santos, Region of Peel

John MacKenzie, Chief Executive Officer, TRCA concluded the service awards.

Vitu Mhango, Chair, Scholarships Committee, Toronto and Region Conservation Foundation, presented the following three individuals as recipients of the 2024 B. Harper Bull Scholarship:

Biancka Pragash, who is pursuing a BA (Hons.) in Environment and Urban Sustainability with a minor in Politics at Toronto Metropolitan University.

Wyatt Weatherson, PhD student in Environmental Applied Science and Management at Toronto Metropolitan University, focusing on freshwater management and pollution

Yazan Zamel, who is pursing a Masters in Civil Engineering at the University of Toronto, with a focus on sustainable buildings, green infrastructure, and indoor air quality.

The Clerk relinquished the Chair and invited Chair Paul Ainslie to lead the remainder of the meeting.

  • RES.#A7/25
    Moved By:Steve Pellegrini
    Seconded By:Paula Fletcher

    THAT the Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting #9/24, held on Friday November 22, 2024, be approved.




  • RES.#A8/25
    Moved By:Stephen Dasko
    Seconded By:Vincent Crisanti

    IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT TRCA’s 2024 Annual Report – Serving Communities, Safeguarding Futures, be received.



ON MOTION from Anthony Perruzza, the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 a.m.