IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT WHEREAS TRCA is in receipt of a request from the Regional Municipality of York to grant a permanent non-exclusive easement of TRCA-owned lands located north of Steeles Avenue West and west of Jane Street, municipally known as 7060 Jane Street, in the City of Vaughan, Regional Municipality of York, required for cable conduit installation, Humber River watershed;
AND WHEREAS it is in the best interest of TRCA in furthering its objectives as set out in Section 20 of the Conservation Authorities Act to cooperate with Regional Municipality of York in this instance subject to any consents, approvals or agreements required from the City of Toronto and/or the City of Vaughan for the current easements that are already in place on the same lands;
THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT the Regional Municipality of York be granted a non-exclusive permanent easement on a parcel of TRCA-owned land containing 0.0372 hectares (0.0920 acres), more or less, of vacant land, required for cable conduit installation, designated as Part 1-5 (inclusive) on draft plan by Delph & Jenkins North Ltd. OLS, Project 22333-1, dated January 14, 2023 in the City of Vaughan, Regional Municipality of York, be conveyed to the Regional Municipality of York, subject to any consents, approvals or agreements required from the respective municipalities for the current easements that are already in place on the same lands;
THAT consideration be $118,404 and all legal, survey and other costs to be paid by the Regional Municipality of York;
THAT the Regional Municipality of York is to fully indemnify TRCA from any and all claims from injuries, damages or costs of any nature resulting in any way, either directly or indirectly, from this conveyance or the carrying out of construction;
THAT an archaeological investigation be completed, with any mitigation measures being carried out to the satisfaction of TRCA staff, at the expense of Regional Municipality of York;
THAT said easement be subject to the approval of the Minister of the Natural Resources and Forestry be informed of this disposition in accordance with Section 21(6) of the Conservation Authorities Act;
AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA officials be directed to take the necessary action to finalize the transaction, including obtaining any necessary approvals and the signing and execution of documents.