Meeting #:
The meeting will be conducted via a video conference
Members of the public may view the livestream at the following link:
  • Paul Ainslie, Chair
  • Dave Barton, Vice Chair
  • Stephen Dasko
  • Joanne Dies
  • Paula Fletcher
  • Chris Fonseca
  • Laura Isidean
  • Linda Jackson
  • Parthi Kandavel
  • Anthony Perruzza
  • Nick Mantas
  • Steve Pellegrini

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Executive Committee Meeting #1/25 was held via videoconference, on February 7, 2025 pursuant to section c.12 of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors Administrative By-Law. The Chair, Paul Ainslie, called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m.

The Chair recited the Acknowledgement of Indigenous Territory.

  • RES.#B1/25
    Moved By:Linda Jackson
    THAT the Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting held on November 8, 2024, be approved.


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  • RES.#B2/25
    Moved By:Dave Barton

    WHEREAS Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) is engaged in a variety of programs/projects that require cleaning and janitorial supplies, equipment and services;

    AND WHEREAS TRCA utilized a cooperative procurement process through the Ontario Education Collaborative Marketplace (OECM) and evaluated the proposals based on the criteria outlined in this report;

    THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT TRCA staff be directed to establish a Vendor of Record arrangement with Mister Chemical Ltd., Staples Professional Inc., and Bunzl Canada Inc. for supply of cleaning and janitorial supplies, equipment and services until March 31st, 2028;

    AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA officials be directed to take whatever action may be required to implement the contract, including the obtaining of necessary approvals and the signing and execution of any documents.

  • RES.#B3/25
    Moved By:Dave Barton

    WHEREAS Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) is engaged in a project that requires construction services;

    AND WHEREAS TRCA solicited tenders through a publicly advertised process;

    THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT RFT No. 10040440 for The Meadoway Multi-Use Trail- Implementation of Section 3 be awarded to Dynex Construction Inc. at a total cost of $2,133,770.00, plus applicable taxes, to be expended as authorized by TRCA staff;

    THAT TRCA staff be authorized to approve additional expenditures to a maximum of $21,338.00 (approximately 10% of the project cost), plus applicable taxes, in excess of the contract cost as a contingency allowance if deemed necessary;

    THAT should TRCA staff be unable to negotiate a contract with the above-mentioned proponent, staff be authorized to enter into and conclude contract negotiations with other Proponents that submitted quotations, beginning with the next lowest compliant bid;

    AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA officials be directed to take whatever action may be required to implement the contract, including the obtaining of necessary approvals and execution of any contract documents.

  • RES.#B4/25
    Moved By:Anthony Perruzza

    WHEREAS Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) is engaged in a variety of programs/projects that supply and deliver native plant seed;

    AND WHEREAS TRCA solicited proposals through a publicly advertised process and evaluated the proposals based on the criteria outlined in this report;

    THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT TRCA staff be directed to establish a VOR arrangement with Ecoman Corporation, Northern Wildflowers Inc., Quality Seed Ltd., and St. Williams Nursery & Ecology Centre Inc., for the supply and delivery of native seed for a two (2) year period at a total cost not to exceed $450,000 plus applicable taxes, plus 10% contingency, to be expended as authorized by TRCA staff;

    AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA officials be directed to take whatever action may be required to implement the contract, including the obtaining of necessary approvals and the signing and execution of any documents.

  • RES.#B5/25
    Moved By:Anthony Perruzza

    WHEREAS TRCA is in receipt of a request from the City of Toronto for the conveyance for a permanent easement of TRCA-owned lands located west of Weston Road and north of Starview Lane, in the City of Toronto, required for the Humber River Outfall Replacement Project, Humber River watershed;

    AND WHEREAS it is in the best interest of TRCA in furthering its objectives as set out in Section 20 of the Conservation Authorities Act to cooperate with City of Toronto in this instance;

    THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT a parcel of TRCA-owned land containing 0.03 hectares (0.08 acres), more or less, of vacant land, required for the Humber River Outfall Replacement Project, designated as Part 1 and 2 on a draft Plan prepared by Land and Property Surveys as job number 20-05055, on July 30, 2024 in the City of Toronto,  be conveyed to the City of Toronto;

    THAT consideration be the nominal sum of $2.00 and all legal, survey and other costs to be paid by the City of Toronto;

    THAT the City of Toronto is to fully indemnify TRCA from any and all claims from injuries, damages or costs of any nature resulting in any way, either directly or indirectly, from this conveyance or the carrying out of construction;

    THAT an archaeological investigation be completed, with any mitigation measures to be carried out to the satisfaction of TRCA staff, at the expense of City of Toronto;

    THAT a permit pursuant to the Conservation Authorities Act and Ontario Regulation 41/24 be obtained prior to the commencement of construction;

    AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA officials be directed to take the necessary action to finalize the transaction, including obtaining any necessary approvals and the signing and execution of documents.

  • RES.#B6/25
    Moved By:Anthony Perruzza

    IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT WHEREAS TRCA is in receipt of a request from the Regional Municipality of York  to grant   a permanent non-exclusive easement of TRCA-owned lands located north of Steeles Avenue West and west of Jane Street, municipally known as 7060 Jane Street, in the City of Vaughan, Regional Municipality of York, required for cable conduit installation, Humber River watershed;

    AND WHEREAS it is in the best interest of TRCA in furthering its objectives as set out in Section 20 of the Conservation Authorities Act to cooperate with Regional Municipality of York in this instance subject to any consents, approvals or agreements required from the City of Toronto and/or the City of Vaughan for the current easements that are already in place on the same lands;

    THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT the Regional Municipality of York be granted a non-exclusive permanent easement on a parcel of TRCA-owned land containing 0.0372 hectares (0.0920 acres), more or less, of vacant land, required for cable conduit installation, designated as Part  1-5 (inclusive) on draft plan by Delph & Jenkins North Ltd.  OLS, Project 22333-1, dated January 14, 2023 in the City of Vaughan, Regional Municipality of York, be conveyed to the Regional Municipality of York, subject to any consents, approvals or agreements required from the respective municipalities for the current easements that are already in place on the same lands;

    THAT consideration be $118,404 and all legal, survey and other costs to be paid by the Regional Municipality of York;

    THAT the Regional Municipality of York is to fully indemnify TRCA from any and all claims from injuries, damages or costs of any nature resulting in any way, either directly or indirectly, from this conveyance or the carrying out of construction;

    THAT an archaeological investigation be completed, with any mitigation measures being carried out to the satisfaction of TRCA staff, at the expense of Regional Municipality of York;

    THAT said easement be subject to the approval of the Minister of the Natural Resources and Forestry be informed of this disposition in accordance with Section 21(6) of the Conservation Authorities Act;

    AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA officials be directed to take the necessary action to finalize the transaction, including obtaining any necessary approvals and the signing and execution of documents.

  • RES.#B7/25
    Moved By:Anthony Perruzza

    IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT the Board of Directors approve the Extension of Contract 10035348 – Rosedale Valley Road Multi Use Trail Improvements Project to allow for project completion.

  • RES.#B8/25
    Moved By:Chris Fonseca

    IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT the 2024 Year-End Funding and Grants Program Update, be received.

  • RES.#B10/25
    Moved By:Linda Jackson

    IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT the Q4 Communications, Marketing and Events Report Summary for October 1 - December 31, 2024, be received.

  • THAT standard delegated permits, permission for routine infrastructure works, emergency infrastructure works, minor works letters of approval, and permits after the fact/resolution of violations granted by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) staff, in accordance with Section 28.1 of the Conservation Authorities Act, which are listed within this report, be received.

  • RES.#B11/25
    Moved By:Dave Barton

    THAT standard delegated permits, permission for routine infrastructure works, emergency infrastructure works, letters of approval, and permits after the fact/resolution of violations granted by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) staff, in accordance with Section 28.1 of the Conservation Authorities Act, which are listed within this report, be received.


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  • RES.#B12/25
    Moved By:Dave Barton

    IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT the confidential information provided in the 2024 Comprehensive Compensation Benchmarking and Total Rewards Review, be received;

    AND THAT staff be directed to proceed with the recommendations as listed within the confidential report.


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Chair Paul Ainslie announced that plans for the opening of the new TRCA Administrative Office at 5 Shoreham Drive are moving forward as the occupancy permit has been received. He thanked staff for all the work that had to be completed to get to this point and is looking forward to seeing the new building.

Paula Fletcher asked when the first in-person meeting would be. John MacKenzie, Chief Executive Officer mentioned that staff are working on plans for an official opening ceremony and connecting with stakeholders and senior government officials with a priority on inviting governments who have contributed funds to the project. He mentioned that this official opening could potentially be after an in-person meeting of the Board. TRCA staff will keep Board members updated as details are confirmed. He hopes that the official opening will take place around Earth Week and be subject to the scheduling of dignitaries for participating governments and other contextual factors. The hope is to have the April Board of Directors meeting in person with an event to follow.

ON MOTION from Anthony Perruzza, the Executive Committee meeting was adjourned at 9:53 a.m.

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