WHEREAS NSEC as an advisory committee of Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s (TRCA) Board of Directors has a mandate to study and make recommendations related to the long-term provision of out-of-classroom learning related to natural science, conservation and the environment;
AND WHEREAS at Meeting #3/22 held on June 6, 2022, NSEC endorsed a series of minimum standards for student access to out-of-classroom learning related to natural science, conservation and the environment;
AND WHEREAS at Meeting #2/23 held on October 11, 2023, NSEC received a costing model for the implementation of aforesaid minimum standards for student access to out-of-classroom learning related to natural science, conservation and the environment;
THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT the following advocacy agenda focused on improving funding and student access to out-of-classroom learning system related to natural science, conservation and the environment in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) be endorsed.